SD2: High Performance Pre-tryout Girls Prep Camp
Dates/Times: May 25 & 26, from 10:45am-1:00pm, May 27 from 10:45am-12:15pm
Location: Kroc Center San Diego Ca
Age/Level: U19-U16
Maximum: 20 players
5:1 Student to Instructor Ratio!
Cost: $280.00 USD ($385.00 Canadian Funds)
Credit Card Cost: $300.00 USD ($410.00 Canadian Funds)
Spots Remaining: 0
*Please note that we will be processing your credit card payment in Canadian funds based on The Bank of Canada’s daily exchange rate (day we receive your registration form).
SOLD OUTSD3:Advanced High Tempo Prep Camp
Dates: May 28 & 30
Times: 8:15pm-9:30pm
Location: Kroc Center San Diego Ca
Age/Level: U18 – U15
Maximum: 24 players
5:1 Student to Instructor Ratio!
Cost: $135.00 USD ($185.00 Canadian)
Credit Card Cost: $160.00 USD ($220.00 Canadian Funds)
Spots Remaining: 0
*Please note that we will be processing your credit card payment in Canadian funds based on The Bank of Canada’s daily exchange rate (day we receive your registration form).