March 1: Specialized Defence Camp
Dates: March 12, 13, 14 (Tues-Thurs)
Times: 9:15am-11:115am
Location: Canlan York
Age/Level: 2010 A, 2011-2013 A-AAA, 2014 AAA
Maximum: 20 players
4:1 Student instructor Ratio!
Credit Card Cost: $315.00 + HST
Etransfer/Cheque Cost: $300 + HST
Spots Remaining: 0
Camp Description: This is a specialized camp designed for defencemen in order to develop the students’ individual and tactical skills. Our goal is to create a complete defenceman, thus enabling the student to be able to play with confidence at both ends of the ice. The program will cover 1vs1’s, 2vs1’s, 2vs2’s, skating (forwards, backwards, foot speed, pivoting, edge control, etc.), gap control, offensive attack, and defensive zone coverage.